A few frames from a walk around my soon to be neigborhood. Shot on the Pentax 67II and 105mm f/2.4
A few frames #1
Hot wheels of Hägersten. A 24x65 crop from a 6x7 photo. Pentax 67II, 105mm f/2.4 HP5+ pushed 2 stops
Hot wheels of Hägersten. A 24x65 crop from a 6x7 photo. Pentax 67II, 105mm f/2.4 HP5+ pushed 2 stops
A few frames from a walk around my soon to be neigborhood. Shot on the Pentax 67II and 105mm f/2.4
My first experience applying the iconic 24x65 panoramic aspect ratio from Hasselblad X-pan into my Pentax 67 medium format camera.